Kick It 3v3 Rules
All players must wear shin guards; any player without them will be ineligible to participate. Teams are responsible for supplying their own game balls. The recommended ball sizes are as follows: Size 5 for U13 and older, Size 4 for U7 to U12, and Size 3 for U6 and younger.
Field Dimensions
- Just like full size fields can vary around the world, 3v3 field sizes can vary based on available space
- We have been reducing field size over the last year because American soccer players are much better than they were in 1990 when we founded these events, and smaller fields are better for skill development.
- Width: 16-20 yards
- Length: 24-30 yards
Goal Box
The goal box, measuring 8 feet wide by 6 feet deep, extends directly in front of the goal. Players may pass through the goal box but are prohibited from making contact with the ball while inside it. Any ball or part of a player’s body on the goal box line is considered inside the box. If a defender touches the ball in the goal box, a goal is awarded to the attacking team. If an offensive player makes contact with the ball inside the goal box, the opposing team is awarded a goal kick. If the ball stops completely inside the goal box, a goal kick is also awarded to the defending team.
Game Duration
Each match consists of two 12-minute halves, separated by a 2-minute halftime, or until a team secures a 12-goal lead. The half concludes when the time expires—goals scored after the buzzer will not count. Pool play matches that end in a tie remain tied, while playoff matches must have a winner.
Playoff Overtime
In the event of a tie during playoffs, a 3-minute sudden-death “Golden Goal” overtime period will be played. If the score remains tied, the game is decided by a penalty shootout using the three players who were on the field at the end of overtime. Each player will take a shot from the center kick-off mark. (For the Kick It 3v3 National Championships and Cup Finals, the overtime period is extended to 10 minutes.)
Goal Scoring
A goal is valid only if the ball is played from the attacking half of the field. If the ball breaks the plane of the midfield line, it is considered in the offensive half.
Scoring System (Pool Play)
- Win = 3 points
- Tie = 1 point
- Loss = 0 points
- Forfeit = 5-0 loss
Tiebreakers (Pool Play)
If teams are tied in the standings, the following criteria are used to determine the ranking:
- Head-to-head result (applies only when two teams are tied)
- Goal difference in pool play
- Fewest goals conceded
- Total goals scored
- If still tied, the system will automatically break the tie with a random coin flip.
Special Gameplay Rules
- No Offsides: Offside rules do not apply in 3v3 soccer.
- No Slide Tackling: Both actions are prohibited.
- Heading Rule: Heading is allowed at U11 and above-the same age FIFA recommends
10 Foot Rule
During all dead-ball situations, defenders must remain at least 10 Feet away from the ball. If the defensive goal area is closer than 10 Feet, the ball is placed 10 Feet from the goal box in line with the original spot of the restart.
Restarts & Kicks
- Kick-Ins: Instead of throw-ins, the ball is restarted with a kick from the sideline.
- Indirect Kicks: All dead-ball kicks—including kick-ins, free kicks, and kick-offs—are indirect, except for penalty kicks and corner kicks.
- Goal Kicks: Can be taken from any point on the end line, outside the goal box.
- Kick-Offs: Can be played in any direction to start the game or after a goal.
- Penalty Kicks: Awarded if the referee deems that a scoring opportunity was unfairly denied, or in the case of a violent foul that results in a yellow or red card. The kick is taken from the kick-off spot with all other players behind the midfield line. If the penalty is missed, possession changes via a goal kick. Penalty kicks are not live plays.
Disciplinary Actions (Yellow & Red Cards)
Referees have the authority to eject players or bench personnel for misconduct or serious infractions.
- Red Card: Results in ejection for the remainder of the match plus the next game.
- Tournament Director Discretion: A player or coach may be removed for the remainder of the tournament at the discretion of the tournament director.
- Team Officials: If a coach or team official is guilty of misconduct and cannot be individually identified, the senior coach present will receive the disciplinary card.
All players, coaches, and spectators are expected to uphold the principles of fair play and sportsmanship. Any abuse toward referees will result in the team’s immediate disqualification from the event.
A forfeited match is recorded as a 5-0 loss for the forfeiting team.
Rule Interpretations
Any situation not explicitly covered in these rules will be resolved at the discretion of the tournament director.